If you're feeling exceptionally brave, you can don a full protective gear and open a bee hive for a closer look into the habitat of bees, the Brood Box (nest).

You will be guided on a 1.5 to 2 hour tour (depending on the size of the group) encompassing the miraculous work of bees.īees undertake the extraordinary important job of helping to mature and grow many of the plants we enjoy and providing a food source - honey - that is globally consumed and universally loved. Join us for a "Bee incredible" journey, as we explore the work of Apiarists (Beekeepers). It is said that bees enjoy a secret life, but there is a fascinating story behind that life that should be made available for all to witness!
Guests are free to be seated or wander freely through the garden. Including musical performances that relate to the history of the site. The group will move inside for a slide presentation detailing the amazing history of Druid Hill, The artist will lead the group through the garden explaining the ideas behind the work and demonstrating the interactive elements of the kinetic sculptures. The group will be welcomed with an introduction by co-host Karas Cahill as they settle in with a BYOB beverage if they choose. After a brief period to freely meander the garden, guests will convene at the front porch. This is a one-of-a-kind must see destination Experience for culture seekers, music lovers, history lovers, and art appreciators. The tour will explain the 37 year creation of the art environment by Clark Ashton and the 200+ year history of the land, its previous owners, and their amazing relationships to American History. The experience includes an artist-led tour of The Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom on Druid Hill and a musical performance by the artist in this magical space. Please contact us if you have any difficulty walking. We do our best to keep your tour on schedule but sometimes run late. You won't want to miss this experience and learn from entertaining and knowledgable guides. get in-depth insights from an Atlanta historian who can guide you through the story of our amazing city. understand the impact of the Old Fourth Ward neighborhood and the Civil Rights Movement, ending at the Civil Rights Walk of Fame in the Martin Luther King Jr. interact with our unique and fun sticker brochure while on your tour (or do hands free emailed to your phone) take in the phenomenal views at the Jackson Street Bridge King and the many Civil Rights leaders in Atlanta share entertaining and immersive stories of Dr. discover the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, a hidden treasure in the Civil Rights Movement beautiful Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church and the notable artifacts in the King Center (currently exterior only as they are closed due to COVID-19) This isn't just about Martin Luther King, Jr., but about the people and places who inspired him, as well. This unforgettable Atlanta History Tour of the Old Fourth Ward tells the story that Atlanta changed the world.