
By his wounds we were healed
By his wounds we were healed

We must appeal to the context of the passage. Is Peter pointing to the suffering of Jesus as a means of claiming our healing from cancer or pancreatitis? Is he giving us a formula to claim our healing from the various disease and infirmities that we experience in our fallen flesh? It is at this point that we must employ a key principle in biblical interpretation. Rather than cherry picking a Bible verse and twisting it to say whatever we want it to say, we are bound to unpack the meaning of the original author to the original audience and therein lies the actual meaning of the passage. At the end of the verse, he quotes from Isaiah 53:5, where he makes a powerful statement, “by his wounds you have been healed.” As Peter writes in 1 Peter 2:24, he quotes from several places in Isaiah’s grand chapter. Peter goes beyond this to encourage the hurting souls by reminding them of their ultimate healing-the healing of their soul that has been provided through the atoning death of Jesus. It was for their good and God’s glory that they were permitted to endure such seasons of suffering (1 Peter 1:1-9). Yet, Peter points the Christian to find hope in God in the opening verses as he directs the troubled souls to see the sovereign hand of God in the midst of their pain. As a result, we face difficulty, persecution, and disease in this life. The days of Paradise have long since been removed by the decay and ripple effect of sin (Rom. That is abundantly clear as we visualize the world around us. We live in a broken world with devils that threaten to undo us. Jesus took my sicknesses and by His stripes, I am healed! 1 Joyce Meyer, “Healing Scriptures” (Fenton, MO: Joyce Meyer Ministries Inc., 2008), 11-12. My diseases went to the Cross with Jesus and died with Him there. I am made whole by the blows He received. With the stripes that wounded Him, I am healed and made whole. Satan cannot put on me what Jesus bore for me. I don’t have to bear what He bore for me. He bore them and carried them away to a distance. He took my sicknesses on Himself and carried my pains. Surely He hath borne my sickness and diseases and carried my pains.

by his wounds we were healed by his wounds we were healed

For instance, we find the following words from Joyce Meyer in a document titled, “Healing Scriptures” where she states the following confession after quoting Isaiah 53:3-5: However, many false teachers have hijacked the words of Isaiah that are quoted by the apostle Peter and employed them for purposes of their perverted health, wealth, and prosperity heresy. In the New Testament, Peter quotes directly from this passage on numerous occasions in his letter to hurting and persecuted Christians. The context of the chapter is clearly devoted to the suffering of Jesus who paid our sin debt and pleased God as the substitutionary sacrifice.

by his wounds we were healed

Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, The prophet writes:īut he was pierced for our transgressions Some of the most encouraging words we find in the pages of Scripture are found in the chapter devoted to the suffering Servant in Isaiah 53.

By his wounds we were healed